In this association, public transportation operators and ICT stakeholders shall conduct activities for more distribution of public transportation open data and establishing information services that use the open data. ICT stakeholder provides various types of information services for public transportation users, etc. by utilizing the status information of railways, buses, airlines, etc. and facility information such as train stations, bus stops, airports, etc provided by the members of public transportation operators.
The association will conduct feasibility study experiments to construct a pilot service. Through its operation, the association will examine systems and services, and work to meet the users’ demands.
Study how information provision should be in advanced public transportation, and discuss improved convenience of public transportation.
Merits of the Membership
Public transportation operators
You can narrow the data outlets to a single channel, and can expect the birth of many services that use your data.
You can receive technical consultation when the data is provided as open data.
ICT stakeholders
You can participate in the drafting of technical specification, etc. to provide data.
You get to have the early bird access to the available data and so start the new information service early.
You can participate in practical service implementation that uses public transportation open data such as feasibility study experiments and conduct new advanced business development ahead of the pack.
General member
Annual membership fee: one share: 300,000 yen
- Please pay three or more shares. A right to vote at Plenary Meeting is granted
- You can be a Board member by paying 30 shares or more.
- Those who provide data for free are deemed to have paid one share.
- The membership fee covers the period from April to the end of March next year. If someone enters the association in the middle of a period, the same fee applies.
Academic member
Intended mainly for non-profit educational research institute such as universities, etc. (membership fee: free)
Members of regional government offices
Intended for regional government offices (membership fee: free)
Public institutions such as national government offices
How to apply
Fill in the application form, and email the secretariat. (You can enter information in this PDF format.)
- Application form
- E-mail: odpt-office@ubin.jp
Association for Open Data of Public Transportation Secretariat Office
(c/o YRP Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory)
E-mail: odpt-office@ubin.jp