Charter and Articles of Incorporation


Association for Open Data of Public Transportation

Background of its establishment and the objective of its activity

Open data is the concept and approach of “Open Data”, an infrastructure to share data, so to speak, which makes it possible to access data of important public value via network by publishing access API, etc.(Application Programming Interface). When providing services using data, it costs a lot for a single company (organization) to develop systems and provide services, so it is becoming difficult to satisfy a variety of needs. Even if you construct information services by spending money, you can hardly obtain enough benefits. As a result, the data may be kept idle in some cases. The purpose of open data is to establish an environment where various types of developers such as ICT vendors including venture companies and volunteers can easily provide applications that use such data by making it available, so that many applications which are suitable for minority users such as challenging people and foreigners can be created. An easy access to data resource is expected to contribute to various new businesses.

The Association constructs advanced next-generation public transportation information services based on the R&D results in the Study Group of Open Data for Public Transportation with “open data” relating to public transportation at the core. Moreover, it also carries out R&D on a standard platform for the services and make public transportation policy recommendations. We hope to play a leading role in providing open data information services which will contribute to smooth public transportation during 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. The members are convinced of very great potential for open data, recognize the need for open data as social and economic platform, establish “Association for Open Data of Public Transportation” as an opportunity to discuss various common issues, and develop business environment for practical use.

Main activities

The main activities of this Association are as follows.

  • One-stop service for public transportation business-related data provision (open data)
  • Construction of public transportation information standard platform (IPTS: Intelligent Public Transportation System)
  • Research and development of information provision method to variety of users including the physically-challenged and overseas visitors
  • Standardization of the positioning infrastructure at the traffic terminals such as train stations
  • Realization of information coordination between railway, bus, airline and taxi companies
  • Policy proposal for improving public transportation toward 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games
  • Publicity and dissemination

September 25, 2015

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